lunes, 19 de junio de 2017


I´m going to talk about the female rights here, in Spain, and my opinion about her rights.

Here, in Spain, the female rights are understimated, not by all men, but yes for a big part of them. But it´s not fair for me because we are all people and we can do what ever depending if you are a boy or a girl.

The first difference between men and woman is sports. In sports, a lot of men think that women are not prepared to do some sports, like climbing or another that can be dangerous, and I´m not accord to them, because women can have the same strenght and discipline as men.
Also, in Spain, sometimes men looks strange to some women only because they do the same things as them.
Other difference about the female rights is that they want equality between men and women, and that´s good, but, for example in the practice exam of police, men have to get a better time than women in the practices.
The third difference is in history. In other periods of history the female rights were, more or less, banned. The women only could work at home, doing the food, cleaning... And they couldn´t vote.

In my opinion, we are all equal, so women have to have the first rights as men.

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017

jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017


Iker Casillas was born on 20th May in 1981 in Madrid, Mostoles.
He finished the school when he was 18 years old.
He was a very good goalkeeper and he was signed by Real Madrid.
As a teenager, Iker was the second goalkeeper until his debut on the final Champions Cup, whe the first goalkeeper, Cesar got injured. When Casillas went to the court, he made a fantastic match, doing a lot and decisive stops.
After that match Casillas remained the first goalkeeper until 2013 when his teammate Alvaro Abeloa kicked him on his hand and he injured the right one.
Iker Casillas stayed at Real Madrid until 2015 and he went to Porto to play football in the Oporto F.C. ( Portugal). He´s still there.
Iker was nominated for the best 11 player of the FiFa a lot of times, and for the best goalkeeper a lot of times also.
Casillas married Sara Carbonero in 2013. Sara Carbonero and Iker had a baby called Martin. Iker is 35 years old now.
He is a very good goalkeeper and i´m a goalkeeper also because of him because he is my idol and when i saw him playing, I thought that I would like to be like him.

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

My firts day of school.
There was a time, when I was three years  old, it was the time to go to school. I was very, very nervous and also quite excited because I only knew a few friends when I started, but a few days later, at school, I met a lot of people and I had a lot of friends. Day by day, I felt better and I only wanted to go to school to stay an play with my friends. It was a beautiful, beautiful moment that I´ll never forget.
Invented history with random words.
walking home, child, fall down, friends house, mother, cat.
The other day, when I finished the high school I was walking home playing with my mobile phone.
Suddenly, one child appeared asking me if I could help him to take a ball that was in a tree. I went behind the child until we saw the ball. The child was very worried because it was his favourite ball, so I  started climbing, because it wasn´t a big tree and when I catched the ball, I threw it to the child, but when I was going down of the tree, I fell down and I broke my new trousers.
My best friend´s mother saw me, and she told me if I wanted to go to her house while she fixed my trousers. A few minutes later my mum called me very angry and I went home when my friend´s mum who had finished to fix my trousers.
Finally, when I was arriving home, one black cat came to me and attacked me, so I hit the cat and I went home.

An opinion essay.
According to some people, divorce isn´t so bad, depending on the situation. I think that lots of people hate divorce, but if you aren´t happy in the relationship or you think that there is something that goes wrong, it´s the best idea.
For example, if in a relationship the man hits the woman or something like that, in this case, the woman must divorce quickly, because if she doesn´t do it, the man will hit her more and more and it will be worst.
On the other hand, the problem of divorce is children. A lot of relationship didn´t divorce because of the children, because some children are very young. But other couples get divorce when teir children are young and the feel so bad. Also, the childhood of those children will be very different, because is not the same to stay at home with your parents than to stay only with your father or mother.
To conclude, divorce could be good or bad, depending on teh situation. Some couples look more for their own than for the other people around them and they get wrong
So, to sum up, every couple can do what they want, but also, it´s depending on the situation. 
Describing a picture.
As you can see, this photo shows one group of 4 people doing photos to a couple of leopards.
I suppose that they are in a safari or something like that. Probably the biggest leopard is the mum and the small one is the baby.
It looks like the people in the car were driving looking for some animal, and finally, the found these leopards that maybe, the leopards will go to have a walk or to hunt.
Both leopards are looking to the people and the people are doing photod to them.
I think that it´s a tropical landscape

Comparing pictures.
Both photos show, I think, that the lanscape is so similar. I think that both photos show us happines and a beautiful landscape.
In picture C, we can see that there are a lot of people in a lake having fun with their family, friends...
Also, in picture C, is like the holidays that you could go with your family or friends.
On the other hand, in picture D, we can see a family or a group of friends doing photos to 2 leopards.
The situation is different because in picture C, it´s like have a relaxing time, and in picture D, it´s found animals.